Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Peace of Plenitude ; The War of Plenticide

The post-1945 attempts to kill all Bosnian Moslems, all the Rwandan Tutsi, all of China's rich peasants, all of Cambodia's educated - all in the name of Modernist Science and its hopes of improving the human gene pool by draining it - in fact only worsened the remaining gene pool in evolutionary terms.

By contrast , when we post-Auschwitz humans accept the scientific validity for as wide a plenitude of human and non human genes as possible --- because we need them all for the continued success of Natural Selection and the continued survival of Life on this planet , we should see fewer plenticidal wars.

Henry Dawson's tragically brief Pax Penicillia

Henry Dawson lived his brief life believing - and acting upon - the idea that all life (human and non-human) was worthy of life. And, later , that all human life was worthy of penicillin.

Unfortunately , his Pax Penicillia did not live long after him - the darkness that had caused WWII quickly returned as the politicians ignored the new science and we slid back into our present Pax Urania...

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