Tuesday, April 29, 2014

All life's plenitude is worthy of life

The scientists of era of Modernity (1870s-1960s) believed that Darwin's evolution would be best served by Man giving Natural Selection a leg up - by Mankind draining the gene pool for humans and non-humans alike.

Cue Auschwitz and Aktion T4 and cue today's ever more rapid extinction of all species other than our own.

Those scientists were dead wrong - it was just bad science.

Evolution can't keep species alive in dynamically changing conditions if there is not abundant genetic variety to select from among.

Man's artificial breeding really only works wonders when farm plants and animals are viewed as humanity's soft machines , not as living species trying to survive out in the wild.

Cow that produce tons of milk would last mere days out in the so called natural world - artificial selection fails natural selection's fundamental tests every time.

Draining the gene pool

And draining the gene pool is also bad ethics - but why ?

If God has an inordinate fondness for 350,000 different species of beetles , why shouldn't Man's pesticides set things right by wiping out 349,000 plus of them  ?

After all , they're just dots - tell me , who'd miss them ?

Or could it be that God also read Darwin too, but has decided to sugarcoat hard science in the Bible's soft sawder of ethical teachings : because what was good by Science was also good by God as well.

After all there is no logical reason by God has to do everything by miracles, when gravity will do most things just as well.

God may have encouraged a plenitude of life partly because He just likes variety.

But perhaps partly as well because He wanted the life he had already set up to survive the vicissitudes caused by the fact He also enjoyed variety in non-living activities as well.

And so having just one species of beetles that couldn't evolve meant it couldn't survive severe earthquakes and droughts either ....

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