The first task of Modernity's newly invented "Science" was to erect a hyper-nationalist border around "The Truth".
A border complete with guards, fences and passports - between the "truth" inside and the "non-truth" outside , the "normal" inside and the "non-normal" outside.
These new "scientists" didn't do all this consciously.
It was as result of their unconscious transference of their personal reaction against the disturbing new 'mixing' effects of early modernization's globalization of human culture.
They transferred their worries - unconsciously - onto the ideas, subjects and methods of this new concept "science".
Earlier scientists didn't use that term - they were what we would call naturalists or observational scientists - they called themselves Natural Historians.
Wherever they observed they saw diversity in every aspect of the Universe - it mixed and it mixed and it mixed - it was globalization before the term was invented.
The newly coined "Science" and "Scientists" were just old school Natural Philosophers - people who thought and wrote and did lab experiments --- but didn't get out much.
They sought to study the Universe one tiny aspect at a time.
They saw the world in terms of it being able to be reduced , purified and separated into many individual processes and materials - they saw and created national borders wherever they looked.
Where later anti-modernizing Fascists used bullets to beat it back - they used beakers.
Fascists and reductionist Scientists - intellectually you couldn't get a playing card's width of difference between the two ....
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