Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Female observational science vs Male experimental science ??

Because most scientists (particularly most powerful scientists) are men , how male scientists feel about the world soon ceases to be a mere opinion and hardens into 'a fact of life.'

And so it is in the closeted world of Science, that most still think that experimental science - such as giving a healthy bunny rabbit a serious disease, killing it and examining its entails in the Roman fashion - is far superior to mere observational science.

So one such observational science that they dismiss with faint praise is that practised by clinicians (ward doctors).

These observational scientists gain knowledge while 'on the job' , that is while actually treating and observing a sick patient when they are alive and then by examining their entails to learn more of their disease if they die.

Why so this hierarchy of lesser and greater value ?

The sexism of Scientism

Well in this age of Political Correctness,  the men would never breathe this aloud, but here is how these men of science really think about the supposed differences :

Experimental science is active -  virile Man does something to Mother Nature (really gives her one), while in observational science females (and feminized men) are content to be merely passive, to wait and watch while Mother Nature does something.

Many new male doctors are not definitely 'people people' and would be happiest if they never ever faced a sick patient.

No accident then that they tend to gravitate to and dominate experimental medicine.

There they can still help people, but indirectly.

They try and ensure that people never get a particular disease by experimenting with the disease (and its possible causes and possible cures) upon healthy animals.

And it is true that women today make up the majority of clinicians - GPs and ward doctors - those scientist who learn about a disease while trying to directly cure people who actually have the disease.

But no adding up of important medical advances made by lab doctors versus ward doctors would conclude that either science has been markedly more successful.

Indeed, the truth is that for both , most of their major advances were neither planned or predicted but rather discovered by pure accident.

And "discovered" is just the twenty five cent version of that good old five cent word "observed" .

It is not at all by accident that we commonly talk of scientific 'discoveries' and not scientific 'inventions'.

As part of a Twelve Step approach to cure Scientism, why don't male scientists just admit this and then move on ?

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