Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Bacteria will have 7 billion years of life on Earth : homo sapiens lucky to see 7 million

If statistical evidence from the fossil record is anything to go by, the bacteria will live on Earth at least one thousand times longer than us homo sapiens.

Now biology books that highlighted this inconvenient truth by reviewing the entire passage of life on earth from beginning to predicted end at least would not fall into the normal "GREAT CHAIN OF  EUGENIC BEING" trap.
You know the kind of biology books I mean.

Ones that always start with the birth of the bacteria and then move exceedingly swiftly towards focusing on us we humans and our nearest and dearest fellow species.

In my alternative style of biology overview book, we humans would be a mere midway blip.

True, an important mere blip  - but still a mere blip in terms of Life-on-Earth's total number of individuals , variety of life styles and years of existence.

Biblical pride or Greek Hubris - it is humanity's greatest single weakness - and a form of biology teaching that didn't indirectly support it could be biology's biggest boon to human survival....

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