We live - for how much longer we will live I do not know - in both a modern plenticidal age and a postmodern neo-plenitude age.
We humans are trying hard as we can to kill off all other lifeforms, killing the golden goose, so we can have this earthly golden egg all to ourselves.
So we are plenticidal : killing off Nature's plenitude, thinking that draining her gene pool is a good thing , just as we used to think draining wetlands was a good thing too.
We are still trying to kill off all the ancient wild and domesticated seed varieties so that all we will have left to feed us is just a handful of super-seeds made by Monsanto.
All our golden eggs in one small made-in-America basket that would fall apart like cheap plastic , before any new virus or mold.
But we also (most of us anyway) publicly proclaim that we support the widest possible bio-diversity , for humanity and nature ; supporting a neo-version of the old Plenitude of the ancient Great Chain of Being.
The Sixth Extinction
How old is this human support for biodiversity - and just how deeply rooted ?Because I wish to extent the dire warnings of Elizabeth Kolbert's must read "The Sixth Extinction".
Extend it to include the many strains of humans among the 'species' that we have tried so hard to eliminate in the recent past.
All those humans who were killed with the thought that 'what artificial breeding did to factory-raised chickens it can to humanity as well' .
Stalin's Russian communists : all Kulak peasants and all Katyn forest Poles .
The Rwandan Hutu : all Tutsi .
Cambodia's Pol Pot : all who could read .
Serbian nationalists : all Bosnian Moslems.
Hitler ? A long list - you sure you got the time ?
All the Jews, Slavs, Gays, Romas , Handicapped , on and on and on.
Genocide and Mass Extinction --- morally , I can't tell the difference.
Can you ?
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